It is well to know that reducing the number of steps that a user must go through in the purchase process reduce the abandonment and improves the sales rates.
We’ve given you some tips in the past to increase your sales in WooCommerce but if you’re looking for an all in one solution we recommend you to install this plugin.
WooCommerce Express
WooCommerce Express allows you to simplify the checkout process by skipping the shopping cart page and reducing some unnecessary steps in the purchase process.
The checkout options allow you to easily remove the unnecessary fields to reduce the user spend completing those fields. Also WooCommerce Express allows you to remove other unnecessary things in the checkout process like the order comments, shipping address, coupon form, policy text, and terms and conditions.
1. General
Added to cart alert
This option allows you to replace the added to cart alert link to the checkout page. This allows your users to directly go to the payments page reducing the total process in one step.
Added to cart link
This option allows you to replace the “View Cart” link included beside the “Add to cart” button when the Ajax add to cart option is enabled.
2. Archives
Ajax add to cart
This option allows you to enable the Ajax add to cart function in the WooCommerce archives pages. This reduces bandwidth usage, server load and speed up the user experience.
Replace Add to cart text
This option allows you to replace the “Add to cart” button text with the desired text.
3. Products
Ajax add to cart
This option allows you to enable the Ajax add to cart function in the WooCommerce single products, variable, grouped and virtual products in the cart without the need to reload the entire site each time.
This reduces bandwidth usage, server load and speed up the user experience.
Ajax add to cart alert
This option allows you to enable include an alert when the user add a new product and the Ajax add to cart function is enabled.
Although a button is added beside the “Add to cart” button, this alert clarifies the action for the user.
Replace Add to cart text
This option allows you to replace the “Add to cart” button text with the desired text.
Add default attributes in variable products
The undefined variable attributes in the variable products are one of those little things that can make you lose a lot of sales because the Add to cart button is disabled and many users use to think the page is broken.
If you leave the default attributes unselected in some products, this option will add the first option of each attribute as default and the Add to cart button will be unblocked.
4. Checkout
Add cart to checkout
This option is included in the premium version of WooCommerce Express and allows your users to edit the cart items directly in the checkout page, avoiding the need to force them to edit the order in the cart page.
Remove checkout fields
The checkout options allow you to easily remove the unnecessary fields to reduce the user spend completing those fields. Also WooCommerce Express allows you to remove other unnecessary things in the checkout process like the order comments, shipping address, coupon form, policy text, and terms and conditions.